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glisse vers l'aventure

Préski is the first indoor snow sports center in Quebec. Come ski with family or friends, available all year round!

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​alpine skiing for everyone

​Develop your skills while having fun


Supervised by an instructor.


C'est le temps de sortir de sa zone de confort pour relever de nouveaux défis!

À savoir

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Âge et taille

Minimum 6 ans

Taille minimale obligatoire de 110cm



Ski fournis par Préski.

Apportez vos bottes de ski et un casque (ski ou vélo) ou location sur place (5$/item).


Réservez au moins 24h à l'avance pour assurer votre place.

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skiing accessible all year round

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​discovery course - $60

For beginners or as a first introduction to alpine skiing.

For experienced skiers who want to try simulator skiing.

$60 + taxes / person.

Public course. Up to 4 people at the same time on the simulator.

For children and adults. Minimum age 8 years.

30 minutes of skiing (allow 1 hour with breaks).

Skis provided. Boot and helmet rental on site ($5/item) or bring your own.

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​“Great experience. The place is awesome! Exceptional service. We’re going back next week!”

Andrée Bouchard

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